Data Cabling And Its Importance

While going through checklist for data cable installation you might have glanced over terms like Cat5, Cat6, Cat6a, and Cat8. Sadly, none of these are cats. But you will need to know these terms as your data cabling installation services providers will ask if your choice includes Cat6 or Cat7 data cables. We understand this doesn’t make sense, that’s why we have taken it upon ourselves to assist you with this task. But before that, let’s understand what exactly is data cabling. Data cabling is the basic cable network that company networks operate on. It is literally the core of business networking infrastructure, along with networking equipment and user that are connected by these networks. Long back, there were different cabling benchmarks, different cables were used for voice circuits, telephones, audio/video applications, surveillance cameras, and so on. Therefore, “data” cabling was just considered suitable for digital data mostly with respect to logistics and accounti...